Saturday, 30 April 2016

Data Pin/ Kaki IC Program LC863532/ 28/ 24/ 20/ 16A

Berikut ini adalah "Data Pin/ Kaki IC Program TV China" yang umum beredar di pasaran. IC Program TV dengan seri: LC863532/ 28/ 24/ 20/ 16A ini, umumnya berpasangan dengan IC seri: LA76810/ LA76818.

Data Pin/ Kaki IC Program TV China (WCOM, Hua Jia dll) LC863532/ 28/ 24/ 20/ 16A
Data Pin/ Kaki IC Program LC863532/ 28/ 24/ 20/ 16A
IC Program ini banyak terdapat pada Mesin TV China terdahulu, selain IC Tunggal yang banyak beredar di pasaran saat sekarang ini.

Gambar Mesin TV China WCOM
Mesin TV China

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Childhood Eczema with Aromatherapy Threatments

Childhood Eczema is increasing and is becoming a common problem to school age children. According to National Eczema society of UK, it is a common disease effecting children up to one fifth of all children in UK. The harshness of this disease can vary in different forms. This disease shows its effect on the skin of child and so the symptoms of this disease can also be judged from the inspection of the child’s skin.

Threatment of Childhood Eczema with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy of Childhood Eczema Treatment
illustration - Image Source by:
In its initial forms the skin is hot, itchy and dry while in more severe forms the skin becomes raw, broken and which also results in bleeding which looks very unpleasant and cause uncomfortable ness, sleeplessness to child but it is not infectious and it cannot spread to others just by touching. The Aromatherapy treatment can reduce the effect of Eczema in child.

The treatment of Eczema can be done with Aromatherapy by the application of Essential Oils on the child through massage, but before applying these essential oils, it is advisable better not to take risk and should consult from Professional Aromatherapist rather than self prescribe this is to avoid any harm because these essential oils can cause harm to children if applied incorrectly

The experiment

This has been proved by one experiment. The experiment was done to find a better, efficient and effective solution to Eczema. The experiment was that a group consisting of eight children was taken to test the application of Aromatherapy. These children were divided into two groups randomly in which first group received treatment of Aromatherapy in which the essential oils choose to massage the children skin were from among 36 commonly used Essential oils.

These Essential oils were German Chamomile, Thyme, Spike, Lavender, Benzoin and Litsea Cubeba. While another group of children received massage without essential oils. This was done for the period of eight weeks in which massage was given by the therapist once a week while for remaining times mother gave massage to their children. The treatments were evaluated day by day. Children from both groups showed improvement but there was no differences in the improvement of both the groups.

How about to Stroke Survivor and Acupunture with Stimulator

Stroke Survivor

Stroke survivors now turn to Traditional Chinese cures combined with Modern technology to speed up Recovery and Reclaim their lives. Chinese medical theory cites that excesses or deficiencies in food intake, work, exercise, emotions, and so on, can cause illness. More people are discovering just how effective Modern alternative Health and Therapeutic treatment is in| Healing ailment raging from tension and fatigue to pain and serious illness like Strokes.

Stoke Survivor and Alternative Medicine with Acupuncture Stimulator
illustration - Image Source by:
Majority of stroke patients are left with some forms of permanent disability that interferes with normal daily activities, such as walking, speech, vision, understanding, reasoning and memory. To ease their condition there is various treatments and rehabilitation involves using a mirror. It is believed that if a person who has had a stroke watches how the unaffected side of his or her body moves, it can give visual clues to help the person move the affected side.

Acupuncture with Stimulator

Traditional Chinese medicine which is acupuncture employs the additional use of a Machine to Stimulate the needles and, in effect, provide relief where needed. Acupuncture is one Chinese treatment, which has been intensively researched on, challenged and corroborated by western doctors. The journal of American Association of Anatomist indicated that acupuncture points correspond to areas where connective tissues are thickest and which contains many nerve endings. Far from being a fleeting trend, acupuncture has become an accepted health care practice. It involves science intersecting with nature.


Electrotherapy is among the services, which offers holistic and integrated approach based on the intrinsic flow- and – Energy balance theory of Health and healing. It has proven to be a very effective treatment, especially when administered within one year after a person suffers a stroke. It is able to help improve blood circulation, speech, and motor facilities. A stroke is a brain damage cause by lack of blood flow to a portion of the brain. It results in permanent damage to the brain tissue- and in many cases permanent disability for the patient. In addition to physical consequences like speech disability and paralysis, stroke survivors often deal with the psychological effects, like feeling depressed, angry and frustrated at their inability to perform tasks that, before the stroke were easy or automatic.

The person’s general ability to take part in a rehabilitation program after the stroke is important consideration when decisions are being made about rehabilitation. Rehabilitation begins as soon as possible after a person is admitted to the hospital.

Aromatherapy in Massages

Aromatherapy is the Holistic and Traditional system of treatment which has been resulting proven from long time back. It is brought into action by application of Essential Oil in a mix of carrier oil to provide relief to patient from almost all diseases. It can give relaxation to a person from tension and stress of mind and body. When the highly concentrated Essential Oil in carrier oil is diluted and applied to patient body through techniques of massage then it provides the magical treatment to mind and body of patient. So to bring the magic of aromatherapy into action and to transform the theories into reality and facts proper massage is basic requirement. So some knowledge about massage is also essential.

Massage in Aromatherapy

What is Massage?

Massage is to touch the body with the intention of relieving the pain. The most important thing is to remember while giving a massage is let your instinct be your guide. You should have an aim to relief the body of patient from tension, stress and pain. So Massage should be given with purity of heart and honesty. Your body and mind should be free from tension and stress while giving a massage otherwise it is possible that you may transmit your tension and stress to receiver body. To cure most emotional and physical problems regular massage session are necessary which can bring dramatic changes to both mind and body. It is said that magic of massage is a gift because the ability to give a magical massage without training is a gift and some people are born with this gift. But those who are not born with this gift can extend their skills and learn this magic so that massage can become an integral part of their life.

How can one learn Magic of Massage?

When one is desirous of mastering the art and wishes to help someone feel better. Put your ego aside and listen to what the receiver body is telling you. Let your instincts guide your hands as you fill your being with love and allow your compassion to flow from you to the receiver. When you function with purely instinctual basis, you are automatically in touch with those magical forces that allow you to sense things which normally escape your awareness. A person giving massage to another person should also take care of following things like he should be free from any tension and stress. He should not be suffering from any disease. If this is so that the person giving massage to another person is suffering from cold hen there are possibilities that he will transfer his own problems to receiver body and receiver will be sicker. A physically and mentally sound person can only give effective massage if he knows the art of massage.

What is Aromatherapy?

Massage in Aromatherapy with Essential Oil
illustration - Image Source by:
Aromatherapy is the Science of using fragrant essential oils from trees and plants, natural herbs to enhance a person’s health and his beauty. The field of aromatherapy is becoming famous because people are looking for a better solution to new days emerging diseases as an alternate to existing system of medicine in allopathic, ayurvedic etc. It is science and art of using herbs and essential oils from trees and plants to make use of their medicinal value. Aromatherapy is a practical, safe and inexpensive means of better health. In this method by which essential oils taken from natural aromatic plants, and herbs is taken in crushed form used to enhance the health of a person and also for the emotional well being of person.

Where the Concept did came from?

Early Egyptians used this Herbs and Essential Oils to purify their body for life after death in Pharaohs. French Chemist Rene Maurice is credited with the origin of the term Aromatherapy. The story of the term Aromatherapy begins with him. It was accidentally this term came into existence. The story of the beginning of this term Aromatherapy is explained in following lines below:

"While in the year 1920 he was working in his lab he burned his hand and then to get relief from this severe pain he plunged his arm in Lavender essential oil that was the only cold substance around him at that time. This action healed his hand rapidly and here it gave birth to a new science. This French chemist devoted his remaining life in exploring the healing power of natural essential oils and medicinal values of herbs".

What are Applications of Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is widely used in treatment. It is an accepted system of treatment in many countries. Some of applications of aromatherapy are as:

"It can give immediate relief from severe pain as soon as the wounded or burned portion of a person body is brought in contact of cold of Herbs and Essential Oils. Products like Lavender are used to treat burn victims while scents are used to recover a person from anxiety and depression".

Essential Oils are high concentrated Extracts of Plants which are hundred times powerful than the plant itself and can be very efficiently used in treatment. Many types of essential oils are used for their smell only.

Example: The scent from plant Eucalyptus is used to provide relief from problems like Chest congestion.

Many Essential Oils are used for their anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory property. Tea tree oil is used to recover from ringworm and fungal infections etc.

Homeopathy in Medicine


Homeopathy is a Safe, Natural form of Medicine, based on the practice of treating like with like. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words Homios, meaning like or similar, and Italios meaning suffering.

Homeopathic Medicine

How to About Homepantic Medicine
illustration - Image Source by:
Homeopathy is concerned with treating the whole person rather than the illness alone. The homeopath will consider the patient as a whole, both Physically and Psychologically, taking into account the patient's physical appearance, their likes, dislikes and their temperament. It is there fore a highly personalized form of treatment, so patients who apparently suffer from the same ill ness may be given advice for different medicines.

Homeopathy is a well established form of healing. Today many of the leading pharmaceutical companies are researching and mass-producing homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines look very much like conventional medicines, are taken in the same way, but the way they work is entirely different.

The medicines are not synthetic and are derived from natural sources. Over 60% of homeopathic remedies are prepared from Vegetable or Plant materials. Other remedies are prepared from naturally occurring mineral substances, including metals, non-metallic substances, and mineral salts. Animal sources of homeopathic remedies include: Cuttlefish (the ink or juice provides sepia) and Honeybee.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by obtaining the remedy in its most concentrated form, and then, through a long process of dilution, by preparing a medicine whose potency is sufficient to effect a treatment. The potency describes the measure of the dilution of the remedy and is denoted by the number which follows the name of the medicine itself. The higher the number, the greater the dilution (up to one part remedy to one trillion parts dilutant).

Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines, commonly referred to as remedies, may come from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdom. Some common remedies include: arnica montana, from the Leopard's bane plant; belladonna, from the deadly nightshade plant; calcarea, calcium carbonate from oyster shells; sepia, from cuttlefish ink; and the element, sulphur.

Homeopathic remedies today are produced using the same dilution principles as in Hahnemann's day. In a common dilution of 1:100, one drop of the homeopathic substance is added to 99 drops of water and/or alcohol. The mixture is then potentized by a process called "succussion" - repeated tapping on a hard surface for a specific length of time. Remedies may be diluted up to 1000 times, leaving only an infinitesimal trace of the substance. Remedies are typically diluted 10, 100, or 1,000 times, which translate into potencies that are marked with the Roman numerals X, C, and M. Homeopathic remedies range from 6X as the lowest potency to 1M or more as the highest potency.

Remedies can be taken orally in pill, powder, or drop form, rubbed topically, or injected. There are usually no side effects from homeopathic treatments, but a patient can experience what is called a "healing aggravation," a temporary accentuation of symptoms. This is seen as a positive sign that the remedy is working. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a homeopath may choose an antidote, which produces the opposite effect of the remedy. The antidote may be another homeopathic remedy, or a strong substance, such as perfume, camphor, or coffee, which are known to block the effects of a remedy.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized homeopathic medicines as drugs since 1938, working with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention to produce and update their reference book of homeopathic medicines. Over the years, the FDA has classified homeopathic medicines as either prescription or more commonly as non-prescription (over-the-counter), depending on their strength. In the United Kingdom, homeopathic medicine has been part of the National Health Service (NHS) since it began in 1948. There are currently 5 homeopathic hospitals in the NHS. Homeopathic medicines are available over-the-counter or by prescription.

Safety of Homeopathic Medicines

Because of the very, very small doses used in homeopathic treatment, the medicines are completely safe, non-addictive and have no unwanted side effects. The curative properties of the remedies are released even in extremely high dilution‹and render the medicine completely safe for the treatment of both children and babies.

Always consult a practitioner before buying homeopathic remedies, and make sure that they are kept safe and out of the reach of all children.

Where dosing instructions have been followed, no case of toxic action has ever been reported in association with homeopathic medicines.

Receiving Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is practiced by fully qualified Health Practitioners who understand the philosophy of homeopathic medicine's well as patients' emotional and daily situations.

While some homeopathic medicines are readily available in both regular pharmacies and health stores, you MUST consult your homeopathic practitioner before attempting treatment for any serious ailment or illness.

If you are currently on medication for a serious medical or psychological condition, you should NOT stop taking your medication in order to start homeopathic treatment. Your practitioner will advise you on the best course of treatment, often working with your internist or therapist.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Kerusakan bagian Tegangan Tunner Receiver Digital (DVB)

DVB (Digital Video Broadcaster) adalah Perangkat/ Mesin Elektronika penangkap Siaran Televisi Satelit, Sinyal yang diterima, kemudian dirubah menjadi Sinyal Digital kembali setelah melalui proses pengkodeaan (encoding) tertentu, kemudian di pisahkan menjadi Sinyal Video dan Audio yang pada akhirnya dapat di lihat dan di dengar melalui Media Televisi.

Penyebab Kerusakan Gangguan pada Tunner Digital
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)
Kerusakan yang paling sering terjadi pada jenis Receiver Digital (DVB) ini adalah: Bagian Power Supply Regulator nya yang bermasalah, terutama pada Main Kapasitor (kapasitor utama) 10mF-22mF/ 450V (lingkaran merah paling kiri), selain itu pada bagian Tegangan 5V nya, jika tegangan ini Turun (akibat Elco filter yang sudah berkurang kapasitasnya), maka Tegangan lain, justru akan naik, sehingga tidak jarang di temukan pula kerusakan pada Kapasitornya, pada Dioda juga sering di temukan Short (biasanya di temukan pada beberapa kasus kerusakan akibat kejutan listrik/ petir dll) akan menyebabkan Digital Receiver tersebut Mati Total.

Receiver Digital sebagaiman terlihat pada gambar di atas adalah DVB Model "Matrik" Seri: "Mango", dengan keluhan: Setting LNB "DiSeq C" tidak berfungsi, dengan komponen kerusakan adalah sebuah komponen IC DC Regulator LM 317 nya yang bermasalah, setelah melakukan penggatian pada komponen tersebut, sekarang DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) ini sudah dapat dipergunakan Normal kembali.

Kerusakan bagian Pengering pada Mesin Cuci Listrik

Mesin Cuci memiliki 2 bagian, yaitu: Mesin untuk Pencuci dan Mesin untuk Pengering. Kedua Mesin (bekerja sebagai Motor/ Dynamo) tersebut terhubung dengan Filter berupa Kapasitor. Kerusakan pada komponen Kapasitor ini, dapat menyebabkan Gangguan pada Motor Penggerak yang terdapat pada Mesin Cuci tersebut.

Perbaiakan Kerusakan bagian Pengering pada Mesin Cuci Listrik
Mesin Cuci - (Insert: Kapasitor penyebab Kerusakan)
Memang.. pada kenyataannya, Kerusakan kapasitor ini sangat umum di temukan pada jenis Perangkat Elektronik/ Listrik Rumah Tangga yang menggunakan Mesin Motorik (Dynamo).

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Multivitamin Anak Umur 2 hingga 12 Tahun - HDI Kids 3 (High Dessert Royal Jelly)

Anak merupakan buah hati dan merupakan Generasi penerus dari Orang Tua, oleh karena itu perkembangan anak dari usia dini, mutlak diperhatikan oleh para orang tua, karena merupakan masa masa emas pertumbuhan seorang anak berada pada kisaran usia 2 hingga 12 tahun ini, pada masa masa tersebut pengaruh keluarga juga akan sangat menentukan bagi perkembangan anak, terutama pada masa balita (umur di bawah lima tahun).

HDI Kids 3 - Multivitamin Anak

HDI Kids 3 (High Dessert Royal Jelly) - Multivitamin Anak Umur 2 hingga 12 Tahun

HDI Kids 3 adalah Tablet kunyah dengan rasa nikmat yang berisi formula unggul Royal Jelly, Bee pollen, Propolis, dan diperkaya dengan Vitamin C sebagai asupan Nutrisi lengkap bagi Anak-anak, lihat informasi produk ini di: "Kids Multi Vitamin Anak High Desert Royal Jelly".

Kandungan Vitamin yang terdapat pada Tablet HDI Kids 3 (High Dessert Royal Jelly) ini adalah:

  • Royal Jelly - Royal Jelly adalah Zat yang di hasilkan dari Madu Lebah dan kaya akan Protein, Enzim, Vitamin dan Mineral yang merupakan Nutrisi penting bagi Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan anak anak.
  • Bee Pollen - merupakan bahan makanan alami di yakini mampu untuk melengkapi kekurangan Nutrisi pada anak anak.
  • Propolis - merupakan zat yang di kumpukan oleh oleh Lebah, Zat propolis ini terbukti mampu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C sangat penting bagi tubuh manusia, Vitamin C mampu meningkatkan/ mengoptimalkan petumbuhan anak, memperbaiki Jaringan tubuh, menguatkan Tulang dan Gigi.

Manfaat Utama HDI Kids 3
  • Melengkapi kekurangan Nutrisi pada Anak pada masa Pertumbuhan
  • Membantu untuk Meningkatkan sistem Kekebalan tubuh pada anak (usia dini)
  • Membantu untuk Meningkatkan Konsentrasi dan perkembangan Otak pada anak anak.

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  • Jika ragu ragu, anda dapat langsung menanyakan pada CS (Costumer Service) yang bersangkutan, dengan cara "Mengisi Form" yang telah disediakan pada bagian bawah halaman website tersebut.
  • Klik link (Lihat Produk..!) di bagian bawah gambar untuk menuju Halaman Produk.

Kacamata dengan Kamera Tersembunyi - Perekam Video dan Gambar

Kacamata Kamera ini adalah sebuah Kacamata yang di perlengkapi dengan Kamera yang dapat di pergunakan untuk Merekam Video maupun untuk Mengambil (jepret) PhotoKacamata Kamera untuk Perekam Video dan Gambar ini sangat cocok bagi Penggemar "Touring" yang sering menjelajah alam menggunakan Motor Trail-nya, di mana Objek akan lebih Fokus, karena Kamera ini mempunyai posisi dekat dengan mata kita.

Informasi Produk dan Harga Kacamata Kamera Perekam Video dan Gambar
Kacamata Kamera Perekam Video dan Gambar

Perangkat "Kacamata Kamera" yang bisa di pergunakan untuk merekam Video dan Gambar ini dapat merekam Video pada kisaran 1 Jam-an dengan Kualitas cukup baik, yaitu: dengan Resolusi 720 x 480 piksel dengan kecepatan 30fps (30 gambar/ detik), sehingga video dapat Stabil (tidak patah patah), Video tersimpan dalam format AVI, sedangkan untuk kualitas Gambar HD dengan resolusi 1280 x 1024 piksel tersimpan dengan format JPEG. lihat selengkapnya di halaman: "Kacamata Kamera untuk Perekam Video dan Gambar".

Berikutnya adalah Produk serupa, yaitu: Kacamata dengan Kamera Tersembunyi  dapat Merekam Video dan Gambar", kamera ini tersembunyi, jika di tempat keramaian.. mungkin orang tidak menyangka bahwa Kacamata ini memiliki kamera yang dapat menyimpan gambar maupun video. Dengan kualitas, resolusi yang serupa dengan produk di atas, maka produk ini merupakan salah satu alternatif, jika anda ingin membeli sebuah produk Kacamata + Kamera + Microphone ini, dan sangat cocok di pergunakan untuk merekam Video ketika dalam perjalanan.

Produk Kacamata Kamera untuk Photo, Video dan Suara (Audio)
Kacamata Kamera - Perekam Audio, Video dan Gambar

  • Teliti terlebih dahulu Produk yang ingin anda Pesan
  • Jika ragu ragu, anda dapat langsung menanyakan pada CS (Costumer Service) yang bersangkutan, dengan cara "Mengisi Form" yang telah disediakan pada bagian bawah halaman website tersebut.
  • Klik link (Lihat Produk..!) di bagian bawah gambar untuk menuju Halaman Produk.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Kacamata Kamera untuk Perekam Video dan Gambar

Kacamata Kamera ini adalah sebuah Kacamata yang di perlengkapi dengan Kamera yang dapat di pergunakan untuk Merekam Video maupun untuk Mengambil (jepret) PhotoKacamata Kamera untuk Perekam Video dan Gambar ini sangat cocok bagi Penggemar Touring yang sering menjelajah alam menggunakan Motor Trailnya, di mana Objek akan lebih Fokus, karena Kamera ini mempunyai posisi dekat dengan mata kita.

Informasi Produk dan Harga Kacamata Kamera Perekam Video dan Gambar
Kacamata Kamera Perekam Video dan Gambar

Perangkat "Kacamata Kamera" yang bisa di pergunakan untuk merekam Video dan Gambar ini dapat merekam Video pada kisaran 1 Jam-an dengan Kualitas cukup baik, yaitu: dengan Resolusi 720 x 480 piksel dengan kecepatan 30fps (30 gambar/ detik), sehingga video dapat Stabil (tidak patah patah), Video tersimpan dalam format AVI, sedangkan untuk kualitas Gambar HD dengan resolusi 1280 x 1024 piksel tersimpan dengan format JPEG.

Perangkat "Kacamata Kamera" yang bisa di pergunakan untuk merekam Video dan Gambar ini, sebagaimana perangkat kamera digital lainnya adalah diperlengkapi dengan Slot Memori dengan Kapasitas maksimal 32GB, dengan hasil rekaman Video (AVI) dan Gambar (JPEG) yang sudah tersimpan pada Memori Micro SD, kemudian anda dapat langsung memutar hasil rekaman video maupun gambar hasil tangkapan kamera tersebut pada sebuah PC (Desktop/ Laptop) maupun Perangkat Mobile anda yang sudah mendukung file format AVI/ JPEG ini, seperti: Smartphone, Tablet, PDA dll.

Fitur lain dari Perangkat "Kacamata Kamera" yang bisa di pergunakan untuk merekam Video dan Gambar ini, adalah menggunakan Kamera jenis Lensa Polaroid sehingga dapat mengurangi efek pantulan cahaya pada suatu benda (pada kamera), sehingga memungkinkan hasil tangkapan gambar menjadi jelas/ lebih baik, selain itu Model dari  "Kacamata Kamera" ini adalah Up to Date dalam arti: Tidak Ketinggalan Jaman, serta cocok di pakai bagi siapa saja, baik Pria maupun Wanita.

Untuk masuk ke halaman produk tersebut, klik gambar link "Lihat Produk" sebagaimana terlihat pada gambar di atas.

Berikutnya adalah Produk serupa, yaitu: "Kacamata dengan Kamera Tersembunyi  dapat Merekam Video dan Gambar", kamera ini tersembunyi, jika di tempat keramaian.. mungkin orang tidak menyangka bahwa Kacamata ini memiliki kamera yang dapat menyimpan gambar maupun video. Dengan kualitas, resolusi yang serupa dengan produk di atas, maka produk ini merupakan salah satu alternatif, jika anda ingin membeli sebuah produk Kacamata + Kamera + Microphone ini, dan sangat cocok di pergunakan untuk merekam Video ketika dalam perjalanan.

Produk Kacamata Kamera untuk Photo, Video dan Suara (Audio)
Kacamata Kamera - Perekam Audio, Video dan Gambar

  • Teliti terlebih dahulu Produk yang ingin anda Pesan
  • Jika ragu ragu, anda dapat langsung menanyakan pada CS (Costumer Service) yang bersangkutan, dengan cara "Mengisi Form" yang telah disediakan pada bagian bawah halaman website tersebut.
  • Klik link (Lihat Produk..!) di bagian bawah gambar untuk menuju Halaman Produk.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model Lainnya (Bag. 2)

Halaman ini merupakan lanjutan dari halaman sebelumnya" Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model Lainnya (Bag. 1)".

Gambar dan Keterangan Pin/ Kaki FBT (Flyback Transformator)
Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT)
Urutan searah Jarum jam/ Kanan ke Kiri (No. 1 hingga 10), berikut kelanjutan dari Data dan Susunan Pin (kaki) Flyback Transformer (FBT) pada Televisi tersebut.

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: FCG 2045 BL

  1. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  2. 16.5V
  3. Heater
  4. Boost-up
  5. B+ 83V
  6. Ground
  7. NC (tidak terhubung)
  8. Collector
  9. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  10. +175V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  11. 24V

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: MC - FBC-015 LCE CF0854
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. Ground
  4. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  5. +185V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  6. Heater
  7. 25V
  8. 15V
  9. Ground
  10. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: BSC22 - 01-06 | BSC 25-48 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC24 - 01N362
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. NC (tidak terhubung)
  4. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  5. Ground
  6. Heater
  7. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  8. NC (tidak terhubung)

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: FCK 1411 L 01 | FCM 14A025

  1. Collector
  2. Boost-up
  3. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  4. B+
  5. Ground
  6. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  7. 24V
  8. Heater
  9. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  10. 16.5V

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: FSV - 20A001 (SAMSUNG) FSV - 14A001 | FCM 14A025FCK - 14A033
  1. Collector
  2. B+ (125V)
  3. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  4. NC (tidak terhubung)
  5. Ground
  6. +185 (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  7. 46V
  8. Heater
  9. NC (tidak terhubung)
  10. 16.5V

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: FTK-14A004P (SAMSUNG)
  1. Collector
  2. B+ (125V)
  3. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  4. NC (tidak terhubung)
  5. Ground
  6. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  7. 24V
  8. Heater
  9. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  10. 16.5V

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: TFB 4125 DY (Toshiba) | TFB 4125 HY

  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. +180 (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  4. Ground
  5. NC (tidak terhubung)
  6. 26V
  7. 12V
  8. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  9. Heater
  10. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: MC - FBC 015 | LCE CF0854
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. Ground
  4. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  5. +185V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  6. Heater
  7. 25V
  8. 15V
  9. Ground
  10. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)

Seri dan Model Flyback lainnya:
  1. BSC25-T1010A/ BSC25-09N21A/ BSC25-05N2110A/ BSC25-09N20E/ BSC24-01N4014K/ BSC25-2678S/ BSC25-2678S/ JY0301-0206, lihat di: halaman ini.
  2. 154-132A/ 154-132C (Intel)/ FUY-20C009 (Akari)/ 154-064P/ 154-177B/ FCK-14B047 (Goldstar)/ 154-064P/ DCF 2217J/ FSA 16012M/ DCF 1577/ DCF 2077A, lihat di; halaman ini
  3. 154-132A/ 154-132C (Intel)/ FUY-20C009 (Akari)/ 154-064P/ 154-177B/ FCK-14B047 (Goldstar)/ DCF 2217J/ FSA 16012M/ DCF 1577 and DCF 2077A, lihat di: halaman ini.
  4. F0101 KM-SA/ F0102 KM-SA/ F904/ FA061 WJ-SA/ F0122 PE-M/ F0147/ F0194 PEN1-SA/ F2037 PE-B/ FA011 WJ-B/ FA060 WJ-SA/ FA113 WJ-B dan FA122 WJ-B, Lihat di: halaman ini.
  5. F 0101 KM-SA/ F 0141 PE-M/ 154 189H/ 154 277C/ FCM 20B027/ JF 0501-1206/ JF0601-19577/ JY0301-0206 dan K 148 TC, lihat di: halaman ini.

Data Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model Lainnya (Bag. 1)

Mengambil contoh susunan pin/ kaki flyback pada halaman awal: "Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback (Mesin TV China - WCOM, Hua Jia, Konka dll)", yaitu: dari kanan ke kiri (No. 1 hingga 10).

Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: F 0101 KM-SA | F 0141 PE-M

Gambar dan Keterangan Pin/ Kaki FBT (Flyback Transformator)
Pin Flyback Transformator (FBT)
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. Ground
  4. 24V
  5. 16V
  6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda R/ G/ B)
  8. Ground
  9. Heater
  10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: 154 189H | 154 277CFCM 20B027
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. +180V
  4. 16V
  5. 24V
  6. Heater
  7. Ground
  8. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  9. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  10. NC (tidak terhubung)

Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: JF 0501-1206
  1.  Collector
  2. B+
  3. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  4. 16V
  5. 25V
  6. Heater
  7. Ground
  8. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  9. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  10. NC (tidak terhubung)

Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: JF0601-19577
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. Ground
  4. +200V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  5. NC
  6. Heater
  7. NC
  8. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  9. +12V
  10. -12V

Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: JY0301-0206
  1. Collector
  2. B+
  3. NC
  4. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  5. Ground
  6. Heater
  7. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  8. Tep (B-Width)
  9. Tep (B-Width)
  10. Tep (B-Width)

Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformer (FBT) model: K 148 TC
  1. Collector
  2. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
  3. B+
  4. Ground
  5. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
  6. 16V
  7. ABL (Automatic Brighness Limiter)
  8. Heater
  9. NC (tidak terhubung)
  10. NC (tidak terhubung)

Seri dan Model Flyback lainnya:
  1. BSC25-T1010A/ BSC25-09N21A/ BSC25-05N2110A/ BSC25-09N20E/ BSC24-01N4014K/ BSC25-2678S/ BSC25-2678S/ JY0301-0206, lihat di: halaman ini.
  2. FCK 14A006/ FCM 14A032/ FCM 2015HE (Digitec - Polytron)/ FCM-20B061N (Polytron)/ JF0601-19577 (Polytron), lihat di; halaman ini
  3. 154-132A/ 154-132C (Intel)/ FUY-20C009 (Akari)/ 154-064P/ 154-177B/ FCK-14B047 (Goldstar)/ DCF 2217J/ FSA 16012M/ DCF 1577 and DCF 2077A, lihat di: halaman ini.
  4. F0101 KM-SA/ F0102 KM-SA/ F904/ FA061 WJ-SA/ F0122 PE-M/ F0147/ F0194 PEN1-SA/ F2037 PE-B/ FA011 WJ-B/ FA060 WJ-SA/ FA113 WJ-B dan FA122 WJ-B, Lihat di: halaman ini.
  5. FCG 2045 | BL MC - FBC-015 | LCE CF0854 | BSC22 - 01-06 | BSC 25-48 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC24 - 01N362 | FCK 1411 L 01 | FCM 14A025 | FSV - 20A001 (SAMSUNG) | FSV - 14A001 | FCM 14A025 | FCK - 14A033 | FTK-14A004P (SAMSUNG) | TFB 4125 DY (Toshiba) | TFB 4125 HY | MC - FBC 015 dan LCE CF0854, lihat di: halaman ini.

  • Tegangan B+ masing masin Model dan Jenis Televisi, mungkin berbeda-beda, pada umumnya berkisar dari 90V, 115V( Standar), 120V, 127V.
  • NC (Not Connected) atau tidak di hubungkan/ di pergunakan.

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) TV Sharp

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: F0101 KM-SA/ F0102 KM-SA

    Gambar dan Keterangan Pin/ Kaki FBT (Flyback Transformator)
    Pin Flyback Transformator (FBT)
    Mengambil contoh susunan pin/ kaki flyback pada halaman awal: "Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback (Mesin TV China - WCOM, Hua Jia, Konka dll)", yaitu: dari kanan ke kiri (No. 1 hingga 10), berikut "Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: F0101 KM-SA/ F0102 KM-SA" ini adalah:
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. Ground
    4. 24V
    5. 16V
    6. AFC  (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: F904/ FA061 WJ-SA
    1. Collector
    2. B+ (127V - 130V)
    3. Ground
    4. 24V
    5. 12V
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +185V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: F0122 PE-M
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. 24V
    4. 16V
    5. NC (tidak terhubung)
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. Ground
    8. Heater
    9. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: F0147
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. Ground
    4. 24V
    5. 16V
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: F0194 PEN1-SA/ F2037 PE-B
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. Ground
    4. 40V
    5. 16V
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: FA011 WJ-B
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. Ground
    4. 24V
    5. 16V
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. NC (tidak terhubung)
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: FA060 WJ-SA
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. Ground
    4. NC
    5. 12V
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) 
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: FA113 WJ-B

    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. Ground
    4. 24V
    5. NC (tidak terhubung)
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: FA122 WJ-B
    1. Collector
    2. B+ (127V - 130V)
    3. Ground
    4. 24V
    5. NC (tidak terhubung)
    6. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. Heater
    10. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)

    Seri dan Model Flyback lainnya:
    1. BSC25-T1010A/ BSC25-09N21A/ BSC25-05N2110A/ BSC25-09N20E/ BSC24-01N4014K/ BSC25-2678S/ BSC25-2678S/ JY0301-0206, lihat di: halaman ini.
    2. FCK 14A006/ FCM 14A032/ FCM 2015HE (Digitec - Polytron)/ FCM-20B061N (Polytron)/ JF0601-19577 (Polytron), lihat di; halaman ini
    3. 154-132A/ 154-132C (Intel)/ FUY-20C009 (Akari)/ 154-064P/ 154-177B/ FCK-14B047 (Goldstar)/ DCF 2217J/ FSA 16012M/ DCF 1577 and DCF 2077A, lihat di: halaman ini.
    4. F 0101 KM-SA/ F 0141 PE-M/ 154 189H/ 154 277C/ FCM 20B027/ JF 0501-1206/ JF0601-19577/ JY0301-0206 dan K 148 TC, lihat di: halaman ini.
    5. FCG 2045 | BL MC - FBC-015 | LCE CF0854 | BSC22 - 01-06 | BSC 25-48 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC24 - 01N362 | FCK 1411 L 01 | FCM 14A025 | FSV - 20A001 (SAMSUNG) | FSV - 14A001 | FCM 14A025 | FCK - 14A033 | FTK-14A004P (SAMSUNG) | TFB 4125 DY (Toshiba) | TFB 4125 HY | MC - FBC 015 dan LCE CF0854, lihat di: halaman ini.

    • Tegangan B+ masing masin Model dan Jenis Televisi, mungkin berbeda-beda, pada umumnya berkisar dari 90V, 115V( Standar), 120V, 127V.
    • NC (Not Connected) atau tidak di hubungkan/ di pergunakan.

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) TV Intel/ Akari/ Goldstar/ LG

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: 154-132A/ 154-132C (Intel)

    Gambar dan Keterangan Pin/ Kaki FBT (Flyback Transformator)
    Pin Flyback Transformator (FBT)
    1. Collector
    2. 40V
    3. 16.5V
    4. Heater
    5. Ground
    6. B+
    7. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    8. Ground
    9. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
    10. 40V

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: FUY-20C009 (Akari)
    1. Collector
    2. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    3. B+
    4. Ground
    5. NC (tidak terhubung)
    6. 24V
    7. NC
    8. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
    9. Heater
    10. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: 154-064P/ 154-177B/ FCK-14B047 (Goldstar)
    1. Collector
    2. +180V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    3. B+
    4. Ground
    5. 16V
    6. 24V
    7. 40V
    8. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
    9. Heater
    10. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: DCF 2217J
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. AFC (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
    4. Boost-up
    5. 16.5V
    6. 24V
    7. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
    8. Ground
    9. +200V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    10. Heater

    Susunan Pin/ Kaki Flyback Transformator (FBT) Model: FSA 16012M/ DCF 1577/ DCF 2077A
    1. Collector
    2. B+
    3. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
    4. Boost-up
    5. 16.5V
    6. ABL (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
    7. 25V
    8. Ground
    9. +185V (Tegangan Katoda RGB)
    10. Heater

    Seri dan Model Flyback lainnya:
    1. BSC25-T1010A/ BSC25-09N21A/ BSC25-05N2110A/ BSC25-09N20E/ BSC24-01N4014K/ BSC25-2678S/ BSC25-2678S/ JY0301-0206, lihat di: halaman ini.
    2. FCK 14A006/ FCM 14A032/ FCM 2015HE (Digitec - Polytron)/ FCM-20B061N (Polytron)/ JF0601-19577 (Polytron), lihat di; halaman ini
    3. F0101 KM-SA/ F0102 KM-SA/ F904/ FA061 WJ-SA/ F0122 PE-M/ F0147/ F0194 PEN1-SA/ F2037 PE-B/ FA011 WJ-B/ FA060 WJ-SA/ FA113 WJ-B dan FA122 WJ-B, Lihat di: halaman ini.
    4. F 0101 KM-SA/ F 0141 PE-M/ 154 189H/ 154 277C/ FCM 20B027/ JF 0501-1206/ JF0601-19577/ JY0301-0206 dan K 148 TC, lihat di: halaman ini.
    5. FCG 2045 | BL MC - FBC-015 | LCE CF0854 | BSC22 - 01-06 | BSC 25-48 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC25 - 4803 | BSC24 - 01N362 | FCK 1411 L 01 | FCM 14A025 | FSV - 20A001 (SAMSUNG) | FSV - 14A001 | FCM 14A025 | FCK - 14A033 | FTK-14A004P (SAMSUNG) | TFB 4125 DY (Toshiba) | TFB 4125 HY | MC - FBC 015 dan LCE CF0854, lihat di: halaman ini.